Published in Biosemiotics journal here: Qualitative Attribution, Phenomenal Experience and Being Refer also to my presentation at the Biosemiotics Annual Gathering in Moscow 2019, and at the Higher School of Economics Moscow 2019 Introduction [This following paragraph is about knowledge and...
Published in Semiotica journal here: Meaning and the Evolution of Signification and Objectivity Abstract: The coevolution of objectivity and subjectivity and the nature of both their division and connection are central to this paper. Section 2 addresses the nature of meaning...
Causation and Information: Where is Biological Meaning to be Found? is published in Biosemiotics Journal here Abstract: The term ‘information’ is used extensively in biology, cognitive science and the philosophy of consciousness in relation to the concepts of ‘meaning’ and ‘causation’. While ‘information’ is a term that serves...
The premise of this paper is that there are three distinct and hierarchical ‘categories of knowledge’ (Pharoah 2018). The first of these is physiological knowledge which is acquired over generations through the interaction between replicating lineages and the environment. This interaction...
Аннотация. Статья состоит на трех частей. Первая часть начинается с рассмотрения значимого взаимодействия одноклеточного организма с окружающей его средой. Эволю- ция формы и функции очевидна даже при таком уровне сложности организма, но я обра- щаю внимание на значение квалитативной биохимической ассимиляции...
Published by РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК and ИНСТИТУТ НАУЧНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ПО ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫМ НАУКАМ in МЕТОД: МОСКОВСКИЙ ЕЖЕГОДНИК ТРУДОВ ИЗ ОБЩЕСТВОВЕДЧЕСКИХ ДИСЦИПЛИН ВЫПУСК 10, pp. 91–122. Аннотация. Живым существам объективный мир представляется как совокупность чувственно воспринимаемых качеств, воспоминаний, ощущений, мыслей, желаний, убеж- дений...
Thirty-eight million Polo Mints are consumed every day, apparently without a second thought. However, could this humble little minty fella actually be the gateway to true knowledge about life, the Universe and everything? We have drawn on the inspiration of Sartre,...